Dr. Sarah Tayebi, Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Sarah Tayebi, ND is a Licensed Medical Doctor in Iran since 2005 and is a Naturopathic Doctor in Canada. She integrates her knowledge and experience of conventional medicine, treatments, and side effects of medications with naturopathic medicine as it allows her to provide clients with a well designed and customized treatment plan. She speaks two languages which are English and Farsi/Persian.
Through her years of experience in treating both aspects, she believes the holistic, individualized and integrative approach is the best health care model and treatment option especially in chronic conditions. Long term health care and wellbeing is not achievable through a quick office visit, it comes with a good patient-doctor relationship, medical knowledge, patient education, counselling, motivational interviews, and behavioural changes as well as covering different aspects of the condition and addressing the root cause.
Dr. Tayebi is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their health goals and to be a part of their health journey.

First, to do no harm.
To cooperate with the healing powers of nature.
To address the fundamental causes of disease.
To heal the whole person through individualized treatment.
To teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine.